Makayla Love (born October 3rd, 1991) has an unhealthy obsession with science fiction and fantasy. Despite a special affinity for building worlds from the ground up, Makayla also enjoys working within the realm of the already existing world. She has been known to throw her hat into several other rings from time to time, including but not limited to: horror, young adult, and contemporary romance. More often than not she can be caught mixing them like a witch's brew to create something new and unholy.
Makayla's imagination grew fat on a diet of Edgar Allan Poe adaptations, Tim Burton movies, very brief brushes with performances done by Vincent Price, and total nonsense all throughout her childhood. Some of her favorite movies include Edward Scissorhands, The Nightmare Before Christmas, the original Dracula (featuring Bela Lugosi), and Alice in Wonderland (all of its adaptations, from the original Disney film to the dark video game by American McGee to Tim Burton's reimagining). So it's no wonder that even her rare attempts to wrangle her weirdness back are often met with not-so-bitter failure.
Currently, Makayla is working on a number of book projects.
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